British Isles Grooming Association
BIGA Grooming Competitions, Grooming Seminars, Grooming Tutorials
Who Are BIGA?
BIGA is the British Isles Grooming Association, a not-for-profit trade association and community support network, created by groomers, for groomers.
Our online membership comes with lots off benefits and opportunities for professional groomers and people in the trade.
We are associate members of the Canine and Feline Sector Group (CFSG) which advises government directly about proposed guidelines and policy formation for professional groomers.
As a member of BIGA, you have the chance to make your voice heard in any proposed regulation that will directly affect your business, your livelihood and the everyday ways you work.
Our number one priority is the highest possible standards in animal welfare. Be a part of something BIGA.
The British Isles

BIGA Member Benefits
FREE access to the BIGA Show
Demos, seminars, town hall and more.
Quarterly E Newsletters
Updates on Industry News, with forthcoming Educational Events, Professional chatter and much more.
Customer Reassurance
You get a BIGA window sticker and a BIGA member certificate.
Member Professional Advisors
Your never on your own with our:
Business Advisor
HR expert
Recommended Grooming Tutorials
Recommended Industry Podcasts
Shared Resources and access to a member website with free downloadable documents like a customer registration template or customer consent form, created by other members for members. Be part of a truly grassroots knowledge-sharing community
All-inclusive association that supports all the main qualification pathways
Business Benefits
Up to six members per business membership - that's just £8.33 per staff member if you use all six, for the whole year!
Selected supplier discounts which will more than cover your yearly membership
Free student sign ups for schools to offer
Have your say
Your concerns and feedback - your VOICE in the industry We are associate members of the Canine and Feline Sector Group - which advises government about licensing / regulation
BIGA's 'Mission Statement'
An independent not-for-profit trade association run by members to benefit and support businesses and fellow members, raise standards and support the industry as a whole, and promote awareness of the benefits of grooming to the general public and affiliated pet care professionals.
Take a look at our Core Values.
We would love to hear from you ! Send us an email: admin@mybiga.org
For membership enquiries, please email admin@mybiga.org
More reasons to join BIGA!
Have your say within the industry.
Free access to The BIGA Show (pre-register online)
Stay up to date on all the industry news and events!
Want even more reasons to join? click here!