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  • Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) and Professional Pet Groomers

Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) and Professional Pet Groomers

24 Mar 2020 11:00 AM | BIGA Chair (Administrator)

Last updated Tuesday 7-Apr-2020

BIGA would like to inform our members and the community of UK professional pet groomers of the updated guidance we have received today from the Canine and Feline Sector Group (CFSG), the industry advisory body to Defra (the Department for the Environment Food and Rural Affairs).

This guidance was issued today Tues 7-Apr-2020. Click here. 

[edit: the link takes you to the CFSG website. Click on the link along the left-hand margin for 'Coronavirus' for the most up-to-date information from the CFSG]

To be clear, this is the guidance from the CFSG on behalf of the Government. It is not issued by BIGA.

Please read it carefully. Use your professional judgement on all health and safety issues. Be sure to follow all safety protocols.

If you have questions or require clarification, please contact


This is a hugely divisive issue in a very challenging time for our country. Please stay safe and remember to treat all other groomers with professional courtesy. 

Above all, continue to follow all government advice.

Stay at Home. Protect our NHS. Save Lives.

* The links are listed for you where you can read more from all the relevant bodies.

We will do our best to keep you all up to date with any changes in advice.

Recommended Articles and sources of credible information:

1. World Health Organization - Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) outbreak

2. Federation of Small Businesses

Advice and Guidance for Small Businesses and the Self-Employed

3. British Veterinary Association - updates for the veterinary profession

4. GOV.UK Advice: Further Businesses and Premises to close

5. GOV.UK Advice: COVID-19: Support for businesses

6. Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis Advice - Coronavirus Financial Help & Rights

7. GOV.UK Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice for people with animals

8. Canine and Feline Sector Group (CFSG) - Advice for Animal-Related Businesses and Local Authorities

[edit: this takes you to the CFSG webiste. Click on the link for Coronavirus located along the left-hand margin of the site]

Coronavirus and animals

According to the OIE, the current spread of Covid-19 is a result of human to human transmission, and, to date, there is no evidence that companion animals can spread the disease. Therefore, there is no justification in taking measures against companion animals which may compromise their welfare.

Current evidence suggests Covid-19 has an animal source but this remains under investigation. Vets should continue to take the usual precautions when handling animals and animal products in line with good biosecurity protocols.

On 1 March it was reported that a Pomeranian dog in Hong Kong had tested positive for Covid-19 and further testing, including gene sequencing, suggests that the dog has a low-level of infection and that this is likely to be a case of human-to-animal transmission. The dog has not shown any clinical signs of disease. A blood test has also been carried out and has come back negative, indicating that there are no measurable amounts of antibodies in the blood at this stage. This does not rule out infection. The OIE states that

“There is no evidence that dogs play a role in the spread of this human disease or that they become sick.

Advice of owners who are self isolating or suffering with coronavirus
If a pet is in the household of an infected person Defra is advising pet owners to limit contact with their pets and to phone their vet in an emergency.

We are expecting advice from DEFRA but currently this is BVA Advice

  • Remind all owners not to bring their pets to a groomer or surgery if they are self-isolating because of suspected or confirmed Covid-19 infection.
  • If the pet requires vet attention owners need to nominate a friend/family member from outside their home to bring the animal to your practice (there is no expectation that vets will undertake home visits when it’s not safe to do so);
  • In emergency owners must phone the vet before attending any surgery they will set up isolation procedure and prepare for safe examination of your pet

The British Isles Grooming Association (BIGA)

A Not-for-Profit Trade Association and Community Support Network

 Registered at St. George’s House, 14 George Street, Huntingdon, Cambs. PE29 3GH. Reg. No. 10085801

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